Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019

Korean Vocabulary from Memrise

시간이 있다 si/ga/ni it/ta - to have time
시간이 없다 si/ga/ni ob/ta - to have not time

약속이 있다 yak/so/ki it/ta - to have an appointment
약속을 하다 yak/sok/el ha/da - to make an appointment

전화를 걸다 jon/na/rel gol/da - to make a call phone
전화하다 jon/na/ha/da - to make a call

배우다 be/u/da - to learn
공부하다 gong/bu/ha/da - to study

건너다 ko/no/da - to across
건너편 ko/no/pyon - across
길을 건너가다 ki/rel ko/no/ka/da - to across a street

박물관 pak/mul/gwan - museum
이발소 i/bal/so - barbershop
미용실 mi/yong/sil -beauty salon
수영하다 su/yong/ha/da - to swim
들어가다 de/ro/ka/da - to go inside
나가다 na/ga/da - to go outside

버스 정류장 bo/se jong/ryu/jang - bus stop
지하철역 ji/ha/chol/yok - subway station
안암역 an/am/yok - anam station

백화점 bek/hwa/jom - departement store
서점 so/jom - bookstore
책상 cek/sang - desk
노트/공책 no/tu / gong/cek

link : https://www.memrise.com/

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